ARGYRESTHIA TRIFASCIATA 409a.....both of these moths have colonised in recent years My second SALLOW KITTEN 1997 GREY/DARK DAGGER 2284/2283
MUSLIN MOTH 2063....3rd record to date
WORMWOOD PUG 1830 ......First record this year
My second stunning LIME HAWKMOTH 1979 for the year, with many more to come.
Another year first...COXCOMB PROMINENT 2008
The 4th SWALLOW PROMINENT 2007 of the year That's 73 species for the year so far, it wasn't until the first week in June that 73 were recorded in 2010.
What a difference the sun makes....last year was very cold in April.
48 macros and 25 micros for 73 species to date
You're right, that's a female Muslin Moth- not a White Ermine.