Do you have a particular moth that you actually dislike ? I do, the Large Yellow Underwing. They are crashing into your traps in numbers right now, flailing around and generally stampeding everything else present. Maybe I dislike them because they remind me of the large cockroaches we used to get in Australia, especially the reddish-brown varieties. At this time of year it is easier to weigh the damn things rather than count them ! After my routine inspection of my two traps last night, having sustained several hits to the skull, I decided to systematically remove and pot them up just to see how many of the little monsters were present. I usually estimate the numbers at around 30 to 50 but I have been well short of the actual amount of these Trap Bullies. I removed 63 from the trap near the house and 36 from the trap near the bushes by the garden shed for a total of 99 actually trapped. I also removed a further 27 from the walls and shrubs and took them away to a release point near the railway embankment. SO, that's 126 L.Y.U's out of the way. I will set the two traps in the same locations tonight and will be interested to see how many more "Cockroach Moths" appear.
The beautiful, and much maligned......LARGE YELLOW UNDERWING......(^_*)

Last nights haul:-
99 Large Yellow Underwing (in traps)
31 Setaceous Hebrew Character
24 Vine's Rustic
17 Turnip Moth
16 Orange Swift
12 Double-striped Pug
10 Square-spot Rustic
8 Common Wainscot
7 Flounced Rustic
7 Willow Beauty
5 Lesser Yellow Underwing
5 Brimstone Moth
3 Shuttle-shaped Dart
3 Copper Underwing
3 Garden Carpet
2 Marbled Beauty
2 Light Emerald
Feathered Gothic (probably a re-visit from the previous night)
Latticed Heath ( ...........................DITTO...................................)
Yellow Shell
Cabbage Moth
Mouse Moth
Rosy Rustic
Flame Shoulder
Centre-barred Sallow
Angle Shades
Small Dusty Wave
Nothing new for my garden list and I am still 33 short of the Caldecot Trap (maybe more as I haven't seen the results for the past two nights) My total for macro moths in my garden now stands at 182.
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