Two nights of near gale force winds followed by a calm night with constant rain ! Not the best conditions for trapping. But I persisted with the garden traps and was rewarded with this Scarce Bordered Straw. A garden "first" ?.........No, I had one last year at the same time under the same conditions and the trap had 20mm of water sloshing around in it. So it would seem that birding and mothing are both good for wayward immigrants after a couple of good windy days in the right direction at the right time of year. Thanks to Andy, VC 30 recorder for the home visit and ID confirmation and thanks to Matt (of trappingsofsuccess blog) for his invaluable ID input.
SCARCE BORDERED STRAW showing the tell-tale underwing
SCARCE BORDERED STRAW .....before it lost a few scales in the specimen pot.....year first !
To add to the "rush".......A year first FEATHERED THORN
BLAIR'S SHOULDER-KNOT of two trapped