I think this is another Ypsolopha ustella but in a different outfit to the one caught earlier on 13th Jan.

This is the 13th Jan edition, posted for comparison. These are a very variable species but there are no oak trees nearby and I wonder if there is another food plant ?
It is still early doors so I'm hoping for a break in the rain. The heady 7deg C may tempt a few more to exercise their wings tonight.............

Our esteemed micro recorder, Mr David Manning, is now back from his hols in NZ and informs me that the Y. ustella in the bottom pic is only the 11th county record and only the second record in TL14 since the first in 1985.
So if the top pic is confirmed as Y. ustella that will be the 12th and 3rd repectively....fame at last !
I.D. confirmed by VC30