15th March... 6.8 deg..Medium level cloud cover, warmer,
Blog entry changed due to mis-ID's
Thanks Andy B for the corrections.
Conditions were perfect last night and when my 2nd ever Twin-spotted Quaker turned up early in the evening the omens looked good.....
31 moths of 17 species,
Garden trap results:-
Hofmannophila pseudospretella 1... year first
Diurnea fagella, 3 ... 2 x Male, 1 x Female
Agonopterix heracliana 1
? 0892...
Mompha subbistrigella 1... year first whatever it is (to be checked)
Mompha subbistrigella ? (to be confirmed) |
Emmelina monodactyla
1862... Double-striped Pug, 2...
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata
1917... Early Thorn, 1...year first...
Selenia dentaria
Early Thorn, Selenia dentaria |
2182... Small Quaker, 5...
Orthosia cruda
2187... Common Quaker, 5...
Orthosia cruda
2188... Clouded Drab, 2 ...
Orthosia incerta
2189... Twin-spotted Quaker, 1 ...
Orthosia incerta
Twin-spotted Quaker, Orthosia incerta |
2190... Hebrew Character, 2 ...
Orthosia gothica
2237... Grey Shoulder-knot, 1 ...
Lithophane ornitopus
Grey Shoulder-knot, Lithophane ornitopus |
2243... Early Grey, 2 ...
Xylocampa areola
2256... Satellite, 1 ...
Eupsilia transversa
2258... Chestnut, 1 ...
Conistra vaccinii
Acleris hastiana ... garden first ( originally ID'd as Oak Nycteoline by Mr Magoo here)
ABOVE... Acleris hastiana |
Diurnea fagella * ID, Andy Banthorpe
The previous two nights were very average....
14th March...1.1 deg. calm, cold..clear with fog forming later
8 moths of 4 species........
2182 Small Quaker ..........................
Orthosia cruda
2187 Common Quaker x 3 .............
Orthosia cerasi
2190 Hebrew Character x 3.............
Orthosia gothica
2243 Early Grey ..............................
Xylocampa areola
13th March...5.4 deg min, calm, low-level cloud
14 moths of 6 species........
Agonopterix heracliana
Emmelina monodactyla
2187 Common Quaker x 5.................
Orthosia cerasi
2188 Clouded Drab ...........................
Orthosia incerta
2190 Hebrew Character x 5...............
Orthosia gothica
2243 Early Grey.................................
Xylocampa areola