WINE RACE 2016 .. MATTc380 .. TRENT 353 .. BEN 347 ...... Garden species:- Macros 357, Micros 365, Total 722

Wednesday 25 April 2012

24th April 2012 ... Garden Traps

Overnight min. temp. 6 deg. calm night, crazy at dawn
"Blogger has a new look !"
Yes, well it may be new but it looks cheap and nasty compared to the old look, which wasn't so fantastic either.
Thanks for the choice !
April has been a bit of a write-off but 5 moths turned up in and around the traps.
0998 Light Brown Apple Moth Epiphyas postvittana 1
1497 Amblyptilia acanthadactyla 1
1862 Double-striped Pug Gymnoscelis rufifasciata 1
2186 Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 1

1497 Amblyptilia acanthadactyla

1 comment:

  1. Bah
    Don't even get me started on the blogger update we are forced to use! took my ages to make my most recent post.
    Lovely Cabbage Moth and Pale Mottled Willow, both I see 1 or 2 of each year!
