WINE RACE 2016 .. MATTc380 .. TRENT 353 .. BEN 347 ...... Garden species:- Macros 357, Micros 365, Total 722

Saturday 26 January 2013

26th Jan 2013.. Garden Fieldfare

For the past week I have had Fieldfare in the garden.
Not the most startling news I know, but in my town garden that is a notable event.
The snow covered fields have driven the Fieldfare to seek other available food sources and a flock of c70 flew through the Dells valley, which is the adjoining back gardens in between the two rows of houses, obviously on a recce.
A kilo of halved Braeburn apples was too much for the normally wary birds and all week I have enjoyed the sight of feeding Fieldfare on the snow covered back lawn area.
Long-tailed Tits and regular sightings of Goldcrest were notable through the week.
Now the big thaw has started, the Fieldfare will move out of the gardens, but it was certainly a plus during the freeze.

Below ... Now that the top of the above wall is clear of snow......
Fieldfare poo, packed with Cotoneaster/Pyracantha berries/seeds with a Braeburn apple pulp binding.

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