PALE PROMINENT obviously a garden first........................

........... No trouble identifying this big fella on the wall near the trap though........
PEPPERED MOTH another first.

My 3rd species of hawkmoth for the garden and another first.........

SILVER- GROUND CARPET, first for year

BUFF ERMINE, first for year

An easy Pug to identify for a change, and my first for year......
Another nice haul with the three new additions making my garden macro total
for the year a respectable 62 species so far.

for the year a respectable 62 species so far.
12 x S.S.Dart
6 x Heart & Dart
4 x Turnip Moth
2 x Treble Lines
Vine's Rustic
Poplar Hawkmoth
Peppered Moth
Lime-speck Pug
Pale Prominent
Iron Prominent
Treble Bar
Silver Ground Carpet
Grey/Dark Dagger
Pale Tussock
Pale Mottled Willow
Buff Ermine
Common Pug....probably
As for the micro's, just one Emmelina monodactyla and 4 L.B. Apple Moth